Friday, May 3, 2024

Monthly Archives: September 2013

Farmers appear to be gearing up for the low grain prices and the tighter profit margins that may be ahead.
cover crops

It's the time of year Ohio farmers hit the fields to harvest, driving over the land planted last spring. As combines remove the crop, the land hidden beneath reveals areas that may benefit from conservation treatments to improve the health of the land and next year's crop.

Several generations of Salem High School students bought school supplies at the Harris Printing Co. store across North Lincoln and up a few doors...

A month ago an editor friend replied to a draft copy of one of these weekly efforts with the simple email comment: “You’ve got...

We grew up exploring the woods and the valleys in the open spaces of farmland, and on rainy days with any free time granted,...

Deer hunting in Ohio draws the most interest from hunters, far exceeding any other hunting activity. While serious deer hunters have been thinking about their...

Lately I’ve had a lot of time to stop and smell the roses. I’ve been taking the slow lane, enjoying the scenery. No, I’m...

New energy facility can power swine farm, and about 500 residential homes.

AgBiz Masters, the nationally-recognized, award-winning learning series for young and beginning farmers, will open enrollment for its next class, to be held November 2013 through March 2014.

The agreement to end a dispute over royalties paid by Chesapeake Energy to land and mineral rights owners in Pennsylvania has hit a snag and may be headed to court after all.