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Monthly Archives: October 2013

Research shows 1b now the most predominant BVD virus strain.

The case of Oxford Oil verses the West family is one of many lawsuits in Belmont County courts over oil and gas issues.
how to freeze eggs

Why freeze eggs? Sometimes you have more eggs than you can sell or eat. Finding a way to preserve those little gems is important.
USDA website

The USDA's website is now available, but with some key information withheld due to furloughs.

Even in an urban county like Mahoning County, home of the city of Youngstown, agriculture is a major player, according to Eric Barrett, who works with OSU Extension in the county.

How much corn and soybeans has the nation harvested? How much is being exported? We’d know more, if government were open.

Ohio hunters should experience good opportunities for success as they take to the field in search of waterfowl throughout the hunting seasons, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.
U.S. Capitol

The House and Senate have both named their members who will conference the new farm bill.

Ohio State University's first publicly accessible green roof is open to visitors at Howlett Hall on the campus of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
Belmont County well pad

Streams below fracking wastewater treatment show elevated salts, metals and radioactivity.