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Monthly Archives: October 2013

Apple trees are popular additions to home landscapes because of their fruit production. However, many home gardeners are not prepared for the onslaught of diseases that bombard the trees every year.
Mike Mahon

Mike Mahon took this brute down in Dayton, Wyoming.

Researchers revealed a striking mutational signature of upper urinary tract cancers caused by aristolochic acid, a plant compound contained in herbal remedies used for thousands of years to treat a variety of ailments such as arthritis, gout and inflammation.

The Penn State Extension Dairy Team is offering a series of webinar modules plus a hands-on workshop for producers to learn agricultural accounting principles using QuickBooks software.

USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will publish information in the Nov. 8 Crop Production report that was originally scheduled for release in the October report.

HARRISBURG, Pa. – The Center for Dairy Excellence Foundation of Pennsylvania has named twenty-five individuals to regional development committees organized in five regions within...

As part of a comprehensive wildlife management program, Metroparks will allow bow hunting for deer beginning this fall on several park district properties where public access is limited.

Kenrick Smith, 59, is a wool person. He has won dozens of awards with his sheep and their fleece, including 14 Ohio State Fair wool championships, and various international awards.
epa logo

What should farmers do about SPCC plans now?

A U.S. District Court ruled that, contrary to EPA’s contention, ordinary stormwater from Alt’s farmyard is exempt from National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit requirements.