Performance-Tested Sheep and Goat Breeding Stock Sale
Sat., August 05, 2017 at 1:00pm
at 12:00am
Livestock Evaluation Center
1494 W Pine Grove Road
Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
Top-indexing rams and bucks from the performance test were selected for the 2017 sale. The rams and bucks are sold with growth data, loin measurements and fat thicknesses.
Breeds consigned to sale
Ram Lambs: Dorsets, Texels, Dorpers, Hampshires, Shropshire and Suffolks
Meat Goat Bucks: Full-Blood Boers, Purebred/Percentage Boers, Kikos and Spanish
The rams and bucks completed 77-day and 70-day testing periods, respectively. Throughout the testing periods, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture staff gathered data to determine each animal’s genetic potential in growth, muscling and fat deposition.
After conclusion of the test, rams and bucks underwent ultrasound scans for loin eye area and fat thickness. Sheep and meat goat producers can use this data to make important breeding and sales decisions that will bring more value to consumers and increase farm profits.
All rams and bucks selected for sale passed a breeding soundness exam. On sale day, rams and bucks will range in age from 6-11 months.
Tthe Pennsylvania Sheep and Wool Growers Association will conduct a field day including youth and adult educational programs. Schedules for the field day, including events and speakers, are in the 2017 sale catalog.
For a sale catalog or for information on the test, contact Livestock Evaluation Center staff at 814-238-2527 or View the sale and bid online at