Sun., July 16, 2017 at 11:00am
Sun., July 16, 2017 at 12:00am
Burchfield Homestead
867 E. Fourth St,
Salem, OH
Local artists and artisans are invited to participate in The Burchfield Homestead Society’s Salem Art and Artisan Festival, to be held July 16 from 11 to 5 at the museum, 867 E. Fourth St., Salem. The event highlights the work of local artists and remembers the importance of Salem native Charles Burchfield to national art history. This is the third year for the celebration, especially important this year as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Charles Burchfield’s Golden Year. The museum is the childhood home of Burchfield, a nationally recognized water color artist especially known for dynamic works centered on the views out the windows of his home. He described the year 1917 as the beginning of his artistic career, and many of his well-known works were started during walks around the neighborhood and around the Salem area. The home is listed on the National Register of Historic Places by the Department of Interior.
Events at the Festival are all free and open to the public, and will include guided tours of the museum, displays, entertainment, and children’s art activities, as well as sales and demonstrations from participating artisans. The Festival will feature local artist Christopher Leeper as the featured guest artist. He is the author of Realism in Watermedia, North Light. He has illustrated four children’s books for the Smithsonian and the African Wildlife Foundation. His work has been featured in several books and publications, including The Artist’s Magazine, American Artist and Ohio Magazine. He is a member of the adjunct faculty in the Department of Art at Youngstown State University. He served as president of the Ohio Watercolor Society (2008-2012). Christopher graduated from Youngstown State University in 1988 with a BFA degree in graphic design. A professional artist and illustrator, he is a past president of the Ohio Watercolor Society and an adjunct faculty in the Department of Art at Youngstown State University.
Artists who want to participate in the show and sale can download a registration form on the Society’s Face book page at Society-1606036549632363/ or call the museum at 330-717-0092. Suitable media includes drawing, painting, photography, ceramics, sculpture, fiber arts, jewelry, and any type of hand-made crafts. The cost is $25 for a 10’ space. Please provide your own table, seating, and weather covering if desired. Set up will begin at 8 am. Demonstrations are encouraged.
The Burchfield Homestead Museum is a member of the Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios and listed on the National Register of American Homes and Studios.