Seminar with Grassland Specialist Greg Judy and Dr. Matt Poore
Fri., July 21, 2017 at 9:00am
Sat., July 22, 2017 No Specific End Time
Doddridge County Park
1252 Snowbird Road
West Union, WV
West Fork Conservation District Summer Field Day Will Feature Grassland Specialist Greg Judy and Dr. Matt Poore
The West Fork Conservation District invites all young aspiring stockmen wanting to learn how to begin a farming enterprise with minimal financial input or producers searching for methods to improve soil health and increase forage output to mark their calendars for Friday July 21 and Saturday July 22, 2017. The field day featuring “Grazing Management Strategies” cosponsored with the Natural Resource Conservation Service and WVU Extension Service will welcome renowned keynote speakers Greg Judy, owner and operator of Judy Farms in Missouri, and Dr. Matt Poore, NC State Extension Specialist and operator of a cow calf / grass finished beef operation. The speakers will be sharing with WV grassland producers how to incorporate management strategies to improve the productivity and profitability of their operations.
Greg Judy, rancher and public speaker, gives numerous talk and seminars all over the US, New Zealand and Canada teaching about the benefits of holistic high density planned grazing (MOB Grazing), multi-species grazing, custom grazing, agroforestry and wildlife management. If you were in attendance at the 2017 Appalachian Grazing Conference you will note that several speakers referenced Greg Judy and his seminars. Greg and Jan Judy have authored two books, No Risk Farming and Comeback Farms. Greg is the featured speaker on Friday evening where he will address securing and developing economical grazing leases and minimizing production inputs. Saturday he will conduct a pasture walk on the Maxwell farm discussing management strategies that can be utilized.
Dr. Matt Poore, Professor and Extension Specialist at North Carolina State University will be sharing how to make adaptive grazing work for you while maintaining soil health. Dr. Poore has been a speaker at many of the WVU Dinner Lectures and on Saturday will have a hands on opportunity to share with the group how to build soil health. He will also be participating in the Saturday afternoon pasture walk.
NRCS District Conservation Specialist, Jeff Griffith, on Saturday will be describing the new EQIP program that will be featuring extended grazing and hay feeding strategies to build soil health.
The field day is a two day event: July 21 Friday 6:00 pm at the Doddridge County Park on Snow Bird Road will feature dinner and guest speaker Greg Judy and Matt Poore.
July 22 Saturday 9:00 am will be hosted by John and Sue Ann Spiker at the Maxwell Farm in Doddridge County. The Saturday event will feature morning seminars, Lunch and optional Pasture Walk.
RSVP and payment to attend will need to be made by July 14. Students should inquire about payment waivers for the field day. The cost to attend is $40 for both days, $25 for single day and $10 per day for students. We hope everyone takes the opportunity to gain in the wealth of information to be presented and shared among ourselves. See you there!
Contact: Robin Ward at 304 627 2160 ext. 4 for more information or program brochure.