Mon., October 03, 2016 at 6:30pm
Tue., October 03, 2017 at 12:00am
Salem Public Library
821 E. State St.
Salem, OH
No, the library isn’t going to be open over night, but we are going to provide to the Salem community a different way of learning at the library – video conferencing! Video conferencing gives Salem Public Library the opportunity to provide fascinating and diverse programming from around the world to our community, to be viewed right inside YOUR public library! What will it cost you to attend? Absolutely nothing AND the programs are open to the public! Awesome, right!
So…when do we get started? On October 3, 2016 at 6:30 pm the program “The Night Shift” will be presented. Night vision goggles are not needed to take this journey to discover the creatures that are active while we sleep. The nocturnal animals that live at the Lee Richardson Zoo in Garden City, Kansas will be observed and the reasons they are awake when we are resting will be explained. This program is suitable for children, teens and adults and will be shown in the library’s Quaker Meeting Room located at 821 E. State St., Salem, OH. Registration is required online at www.salem.lib.oh.us or by calling the library at 330-332-0042 for assistance.
Salem Public Library is committed to providing to the residents of the Salem community and surrounding area programming, activities, materials and services to enrich lives. We hope to see YOU soon.