Above average rainfall in month of November


MILLPORT, Ohio – The above average rainfall in November has the topsoil in good shape, but the underground needs above average rainfall as the wet springs are not running, according to Edwin R. Copeland, U.S. weather observer, reporting from his post in southern Columbiana County.

The high temperature for the month was 66 degrees recorded Nov. 10. The low temperature was 15 degrees recorded Nov. 28.

November saw 11 days of rain. Farmers found out how the dry weather affected their crops this summer. Some had only 10 percent yield, while others who got more rain, yielded 75 percent.

The 110-year averages for November are: 40.3 degrees, 2.34 inches of rain, 2.3 inches of snow and 30 percent sunshine.

Averages for November 2002 are: 38.9 degrees, 2.64 inches of rain, 1.5 inches of snow and 30 percent sunshine.

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