Awards: Ohio FFA recognizes its best


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COLUMBUS — The 84th state FFA convention saw hundreds of FFA members and guests honored for their hard work and success in the program. Here is a highlight of some of the winners:

Washington Leadership Conference scholarship recipients: Erica White, Ashland; Shelby White, Ashland; Thomas Shaw, Greenville; Lauren Williams, Miami East; Lindsey Walls, Parkway; Claire Fry, Pettisville; Austin Kensler, Urbana; and Sam Subler, Versailles

Writing contest, sponsored by Farm and Dairy: Second runner up, Chad Bialecki from Anthony Wayne FFA; First runner up, Andrew Teet, of Anthony Wayne; and state winner was Carmen Meyer from Marion Local FFA.

Public speaking:

Extemporaneous, Craig Berning from Anna FFA; Beginning prepared, Grace Dannemiller of Liberty Union FFA; Prepared speaking, Jordan Stacy, Greenon FFA; Creed speaking, Rachel Welch of Cory Rawson.

Gold medal Chapters: Bowling Green, Carrollton, Eastern Brown, Fairview, Wauseon, West Holmes.

Star degrees. Star American in Agriscience is Crystal Van Pelt from the Wauseon FFA; Star American in Agricultural Placement is Lindsey Koppin from Anna FFA; and Ohio’s Star American Farmer is Myer Runyan from the Urbana FFA.

State FFA Star in Agribusiness is Phillip VanScoy from Ridgemont FFA. State Star in Agricultural Placement is Aaron Clark from West Holmes FFA chapter. State FFA Star Farmer is Brock Goodman from the Cardington FFA.

Proficiencies. Erik Fehlan, accounting; Maddison Buschur, agricultural communications; Melissa Shears, ag mechanics design and fabrication; Jeremy Robbins, ag mechanics repair and maintenance entrepreneurship; Cole Barry, ag mechanics repair and maintenance placement; Rebecca Faverty, ag processing; Austin Wippel, ag sales entrepreneurship; Kelly Fager, ag sales placement; Samantha Vermule, ag services; Sarah Cox, agriscience Research-integrated systems; Jordan Mullett, beef production entrepreneurship; Molly Greenawalt, beef production placement; Kira Andre, dairy production entrepreneurship; Ashley Wilker, dairy production placement; Aaron Clark, diversified ag production; Cody Adams, diversified crop production entrepreneurship.

Jakob Wilson, diversified crop production placement; Jennifer Morgan, diversified horticulture; Saul Triana, diversified livestock production; Phillip VanScoy, emerging agricultural technology; Justin Pursel, environmental science and natural resources management; Elizabeth Hayes, equine science entrepreneurship; Leah Haines, equine science placement.

Jacob Luderman, fiber and/or oil crop production; Austin Wagner, forage production; Taylor Hopkins, forest management and products; Cassandra Saylor, fruit production; Jordan Fledderjohann, goat production; James Hozalski, grain production entrepreneurship.

Aaron Bernath, grain production placement; Zac Siefker, home and/or community development; Nick Brumfield, landscape management; Amanda Koch, nursery operations; Eric Dahlinghaus, organic ag; Travis Campbell, outdoor recreation; Casey Swonger, poultry production; Adam High, sheep production; Leanna Bachman, small animal production & care; Michael Snider, specialty animal production; Brock Rohrs, specialty crop production.

Garrit Sproull, swine production entrepreneurship; Nick Rutschilling, swine production placement; Chris Kutz, turf grass management; Lauren Williams, vegetable production; Brenda Saldivar, veterinary medicine; and Ethan Bingham, wildlife production and management.

Ohio’s top 10 chapters: Anna, Fayetteville, Felicity Franklin, Hardin Northern, Lynchburg Clay, Marysville, Miami East-MVCTC, Otsego, Ridgemont, Versailles.

Honorary membership: Edward Beeler, farmer & Talawanda FFA supporter; Mark Butler, principal, Benjamin Logan High School; Jamie Chenevey, agricultural education teacher, West Holmes; Scott Elwer, agricultural education teacher, Delphos; Carol Endslow, treasurer, Loudonville FFA Alumni; Leonard Felty, Plymouth FFA supporter; Colleen Gott Wright & Fred Gott, Wellington FFA Alumni supporters; Dr. William “Bill” Haynes, doctor of veterinary medicine.

Robert Jorden, Farmer and Warren FFA Alumni president; Michael Leach, sales representative, Bobcat Enterprises; William Massey, retired agricultural education teacher; Ron Matter, superintendent, Penta Career Center, accepting on his behalf was Les Disher; Donna Meller, Pettisville FFA Alumni member; Tom & Joni Pulse, Lynchburg Clay FFA supporters; Rick Raach, superintendent, Ridgewood Local School District; Dr. Todd Rappold, superintedent, Miami East Local School District.

The late Richard Rhoads, owner/operator, Rhoads Family Farm, accepting on his behalf was his wife, Linda Rhoads; Brent Rudolph, manager, Jack’s Aquarium; John Schartman, Sr. marketing manager, Pioneer Hi-Bred; David Snyder, retired teacher of agriculture, Ashland High School; Mike Sparks, instructional supervisor, Greene County Career Center; Devon Stanley, Benchmark Landscaping; Diane Zyski, sales manager, Dekalb Territory.

Talent show: On opening day, Jacob Gilmore of River Valley FFA entertained the crowd with his rendition of Country Music singer Josh Turner’s Your Man. Karli Lump of Riverside FFA sang Boondocks by Little Big Town.