Forecast: Corn, soybean yields down


REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio — Based on conditions as of Sept. 1, Ohio’s average corn yield is forecast at 152 bushels per acre, down 8 bushels from the Aug. 1 forecast but 2 bushels above last year’s state yield of 150 bushels per acre.

Total production is forecast at 478.8 million bushels, down 12 percent from 2007.

Growers expect to harvest 3.15 million acres for grain in 2008, 460,000 acres less than in 2007.


Soybean yield is forecast at 42 bushels per acre, down 3 bushels from the Aug. 1 forecast and down 5 bushels from the 2007 state average.

Total soybean production for Ohio is forecast at 192.4 million bushels, down 1 percent from the previous year. Harvested acreage is forecast at 4.58 million acres, up 450,000 from 2007.


Ohio’s 2008 burley tobacco yield is forecast at 1,950 pounds per acre, down 100 pounds from the 2007 average state yield. Total production is forecast at 6.05 million pounds from an expected 3,100 harvested acres.


U.S. corn production is forecast at 12.1 billion bushels, down 2 percent from last month and 8 percent below 2007.

Based on conditions as of Sept. 1, yields are expected to average 152.3 bushels per acre, down 2.7 bushels from August but 1.2 bushels above last year. If realized, yield will be the second highest on record, behind 2004, while production will be the second largest, behind last year.

Yield forecasts are lower than last month across the northern and eastern Corn Belt and the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys where the lack of rainfall during August reduced soil moisture supplies and stressed the crop.

Yield prospects also decreased across much of the middle Mississippi Valley and adjacent areas of the Great Plains as dry weather during August eliminated soil moisture surpluses.

High numbers

U.S. soybean production is forecast at 2.93 billion bushels, down 1 percent from the August forecast but up 13 percent from last year. If realized, this will be the fourth largest production on record.

Based on Sept. 1 conditions, yields are expected to average 40 bushels per acre, down 0.5 bushel from last month and down 1.2 bushels from 2007.

Compared with last month, yields are forecast lower or unchanged in the Mid-Atlantic States, the central and eastern Corn Belt, Louisiana, Nebraska, and South Dakota.

Yields increased or are unchanged from the Aug. 1 forecast across the Southeast and the remainder of the Great Plains.

Area for harvest in the U.S. is forecast at 73.3 million acres, unchanged from last month but up 17 percent from 2007.