Four-week small farm college offered in Ohio


JEFFERSON, Ohio — To help new and existing farmers find ways to diversify their agricultural production, the Ohio State University Extension offices in northeastern Ohio are offering a Northeast Ohio New & Small Farm College for four weeks this fall.

“Too Much to Mow — What Do I Grow?” will be held from 6:30-9 p.m. Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19 at the Grindstone Creek Lodge, located at 4-H Camp Whitewood, 7983 Wiswell Road in Windsor, Ohio.

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This college will help new and existing farmers increase their profits from their small acreage.

The first session will teach the basic business concepts needed to start and keep a small farm enterprise operating — goals and objectives, and developing a business plan for your operation.

The second session will help participants decide what to grow on their farm and how to develop budgets for farm enterprises. The third session will focus on marketing, including direct marketing, wholesale markets, farm markets and local cooperatives.

The final session will help participants become aware of the local resources available to assist small farms — including Farm Bureau, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil and Water Conservation District, Farm Service Agency, and the auditor’s office.


The cost for all four sessions is $100 per family. This will include a reference notebook and refreshments.

This college is limited to 35 participants. Anyone planning to attend the program should pre-register by Oct. 9. To pre-register or for more information, contact the Ashtabula County Extension office at 440-576-9008.