Historic home tour features Salem’s South Lincoln Ave.


SALEM, Ohio – Six homes on Salem’s historic South Lincoln Avenue will be part of the Salem Preservation Society’s sixth annual candlelight home tour Oct. 4-5.

Houses on this year’s tour are: Marlene and James Lang, 366 South Lincoln; Rick Metts 443 South Lincoln; JeanAlice and Kenneth Fehr, 725 South Lincoln; Charlotte and Steven Wallace, 849 South Lincoln; LuAnn and Robert Cole, 976 South Lincoln; and Catherine and’ Martin Hergenrother, 1099 South Lincoln.

Each home will have a house chairman and local florist who will incorporate the theme, Great American Motion Pictures.

Hours Friday night are 6-9 p.m. and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

A unique feature of the tour is a bonus house – a special playhouse that is located at the rear of the home of James Wilson, 894 South Lincoln Avenue. The play house was built about 70 years ago and has moved up and down the avenue where countless children living on South Lincoln have played.

Refreshments will be served at this location.

For more information call Terri Wolford at 330-332-5781. Tickets are $15; groups of 10 or more can order tickets at $12.

Tickets will also be on sale at the following Salem locations: Bruce’s Place, Mountz Gallery, Endres Gross Flowers and Gifts, F.E. Cope News, and The Flower Loft.

Guests may use the tickets for either day.