MILLERSBURG, Ohio – Even though this might be considered the off season, activity doesn’t stop for graziers, according to Dean Slates, Holmes County OSU extension agent.
The final pasture walk for the year will be Nov. 13 at Leroy L. Yoder’s farm located at 3210 Route 194 in Sugarcreek, Ohio. It is is Clark Township, off state Route 556, northwest of Farmerstown.
The free walk is 1-3 p.m.
The Yoder farm features some fall seeded rye that is being grazed, as well as cornstalks and late fall hay fields.
Topics that will be covered include grazing fall seeded rye in fall and spring; grazing cornstalks and supplemental feeding; winterizing the water system; what to do between now and spring; and how should pastures look.
For more information call 330-674-3015.