JEFFERSON, Ohio – A great group of people has been working to develop an experience that will give Ashtabula County residents the chance to learn about some of the great things that are happening in the area.
This event, A Journey Through Ashtabula County, will be held from 1-6 p.m. Sept. 22 and 23 at the Lodge and Conference Center at Geneva-on-the-Lake.
Purpose. The purpose of this event is to create awareness and build pride among Ashtabula County residents by showcasing the many assets of the county.
During the two-day event, there will be a trade show at the Lodge showcasing Ashtabula County businesses and organizations. There will also be a farmers’ market, Red Cross Blood Drive Sept. 23, a pumpkin decorating/carving contest, and a special Made In Ashtabula County exhibit.
As an added bonus, OSU Extension and the Ashtabula County Farm Bureau will be teaming up with the Springer Dairy Farm in Lenox Township to host a dairy open house from 1-4 p.m. Sept. 22.
This event is open to both the general public and to commercial dairy farmers.
A formal program will be held at 2:15 p.m., and two separate tours will be offered during the open house.
An introductory tour has been developed for visitors who have never visited a dairy farm before to learn about milking procedures, basic feeds and feeding practices, equipment used on farms and animal housing.
An advanced tour for local dairy farmers will also be conducted. See how the Springer family has installed a new parlor in 2006 and learn more about their feeding and cow care procedures.
Ice cream and milk will be provided during the tour.
More information. For more information on this event, call the Ashtabula County Extension office at 440-576-9008 or the Ashtabula County Farm Bureau at 440-437-8700. There is no admission price for the dairy tour or for any of the events at the Lodge and Conference Center.
More details can be found at
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