WASHINGTON – Lamb producers approved the national checkoff in the national referendum held earlier this year.
The USDA announced the results April 1.
Of the 3,490 valid ballots cast, 2,807, or 80 percent, favored the program while 683, or 20 percent, opposed.
Those who favored continuing the program accounted for 84 percent of the total production voted.
No more refunds. Because voters favored to continue the referendum, refunds will no longer be available after April 1.
Assessment. Under the program, producers, seedstock producers, feeders and exporters are required to pay an assessment of one-half cent per pound when live ovine animals are sold.
The first handler, primarily packers, will pay an additional 30 cents per head on ovine animals purchased for slaughter.
Importers are not assessed.
Ohio, Pa., W.Va. votes. In Ohio, 158 individuals voted for the assessment and 43 voted against it.
Pennsylvania lamb producers approved the checkoff by a 54-15 margin.
In West Virginia, 70 producers approved the assessment and five voted against it.
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