Lowmillers win dairy production awards


SALEM, Ohio – Dale Lowmiller of Lowmiller Farms walked out of the Columbiana/Mahoning counties annual Dairy Herd Improvement meeting March 2 with a stack of plaques.

Lowmiller, who milks 143 cows on his farm near Minerva, won three of the eight DHI 1999 and 2000 awards presented at the lunch meeting.

For 2000, he won the high milk award with a rolling herd average of 27,263 pounds, and the high herd fat and protein award with 973 pounds of fat and 830 pounds of protein.

For 1999, he won the high herd fat and protein award with 967 pounds of fat and 878 pounds of protein.

The high milk award for 1999 went to Steve Crist, whose herd of 178 cows averaged 27,606 pounds.

Most improved awards went to Kiko Farms for 1999, with an improved 303 pounds of fat and protein; and to Baker Brothers for 2000, with an improved 255 pounds of fat and protein.

The quality milk award for 1999 was won by Davis Farms, which had a somatic cell count of 152,000 in its 39-cow herd, and for 2000 to John Lora, who had a somatic cell count of 144,000 in his 40-cow herd.

In other business, the improvement association voted to amend its bylaws to eliminate the requirement that of the seven board members, at least three came from Mahoning County and at least three came from Columbiana County.

The new bylaws now allow at-large election of all seven members of the board.

Elected to the board of directors were Howard Withers and Vernon Birch. Jay Herron was re-elected to another term. They join continuing members Larry Sanor, currently president of the DHI; Brian Cope, vice president; and Steve Shoemaker.