Marshall County Junior Fair Auction Results


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Sale Total: $200,000+


Average: $2.28/pound

Grand champion: Dustin Hawkins
Bid: $7.50/pound Weight: 1,303 pounds
Buyer: Chesapeake Energy

Reserve champion: Ted Henry
Bid: $3.50/pound Weight: 1,250 pounds
Buyer: Spring Hill Well Service

Showman of Showmen: Kelsey Allen


Average: $2.56/pound

Grand champion: Shane Williams
Bid: $12/pound Weight: 268 pounds
Buyer: Hanlin/Allied

Reserve champion: Cassidy Trowbridge
Bid: $10.25/pound Weight: 261 pounds
Buyer: Hanlin/Allied

Showman of Showmen: Meghan Marsh


Average: $4.26/pound

Grand champion: Kristen Zukoff
Bid: $15/pound Weight: 135 pounds
Buyer: HP Excavating

Reserve champion: Gage Francis
Bid: $12/pound Weight: 122 pounds
Buyer: Accessories Limited

Showman of Showmen: Sunni Hartley


Number of Market Lots: 31
Average: $370/head with champions; $309/head without

Grand champion: Evan Tucker
Bid: $1,500/head Weight: 90 pounds
Buyer: Independent Supporters of Coal

Reserve champion: Kody White
Bid: $1,000/head Weight: 54 pounds
Buyer: Independent Supporters of Coal

Beginning showmanship: Derek Stanley
Junior showmanship: Walker Holmes
Senior showmanship: Shelby Harris
Showman of Showmen: Shelby Harris


Number of Pens: 38
Average: $175/pen with champions; $155/pen without

Grand champion: Adam Heintz
Bid: $525/pen Weight: 16 pounds, 14 ounces
Buyer: Boso and Son Towing

Reserve champion: Dalton Coulter
Bid: $500/pen Weight: 12 pounds
Buyer: Sun Valley Realty

Junior showmanship: Logan Toler
Senior showmanship: Lindsey Arrojo

Auctioneers and Ringmen:
Todd Woodruff, Bert Richmond, Kenny Richmond, Chad Richmond

Grand and Reserve Champion livestock projects

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