Butler Farm Show Livestock Auction Results


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Aug. 7, 2008

Sale Total: $157,587.41


Number of Market Lots: 43
Average: $1.46/pound with champions; $1.22/pound without

Grand champion: Colt Filges
Bid: $8/pound (record) Weight: 1,355 pounds
Buyer: Amerikohl Mining

Reserve champion: Colt Filges
Bid: $3.50/pound Weight: 1,300 pounds
Buyer: JK Hydraulics


Number of Market Lots: 93
Average: $2.28/pound with champions; $2.20/pound without

Grand champion: Alyssa DiPippa
Bid: $6/pound Weight: 253 pounds
Buyer: Amerikohl Mining

Reserve champion: Pamela Cox
Bid: $5.75/pound Weight: 269 pounds
Buyer: CS McKee Investment


Number of Market Lots: 54
Average: $3.62/pound with champions; $3.16/pound without

Grand champion: Rebecca Tyson
Bid: $14/pound Weight: 133 pounds
Buyer: Amerikohl Mining

Reserve champion: Amy Metrick
Bid: $15/pound (record) Weight: 113 pounds
Buyer: Amerikohl Mining


Number of Market Lots: 13
Average: $4.15/pound with champions; $2.83/pound without

Grand champion: Brad Thoma
Bid: $13.50/pound (record) Weight: 86 pounds
Buyer: PRS Transit

Reserve champion: Sara Mabold
Bid: $7.50/pound Weight: 97 pounds
Buyer: Thoma Meat Market


Number of Pens of Three: 7

Grand champion: Robin Peters
Bid: $1,300/pen (record) Weight: 13 pounds, 6 ounces
Buyer: Amerikohl Mining

Reserve champion: Sarah Rager
Bid: $400/pen Weight: 13 pounds, 12 ounces
Buyer: AAA A-Z Services


Number of Pens : 9

Grand champion: Kara Whitmire
Bid: $7/pound Weight: 39 pounds, 8 ounces
Buyer: Rotary Club of Butler, Pa.

Reserve champion: Katelen Shuler
Bid: $5/pound Weight: 42 pounds, 12 ounces
Buyer: Four Seasons Game Bird Farm

Auctioneers and Ringmen:
John R. Huey II, Alvin Vogel, Luke Vogel and Dennis Kerr

Grand and Reserve Champion livestock projects

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Sights from the 2008 Butler Farm Show