Ohio show will be a first for the three Bears: all together once more.
PLAIN CITY, Ohio – The Massey Harris Ferguson Club of Ohio is co-hosting the Massey Expo of North America 2005 in conjunction with the Miami Valley Steam Threshers Association.
The show will be held July 14-17 at Pastime Park in Plain City, Ohio.
Huge event. This will be one of the largest Massey related events ever and will feature Wallis tractors, Massey Harris, Ferguson and Massey Ferguson tractors, equipment and memorabilia.
This will be the first time the Wallis “three bears” will be exhibited together. The only surviving 10 1/2 ton Wallis Bear will be displayed, along with the Wallis Cub and Cub Junior.
The show will feature Massey equipment and exhibits for all over the United States and Canada.
Regional Ferguson show. This has also been designated a regional Ferguson show by FENA (Ferguson Enthusiasts of North America) and should attract one of the largest collection of Ferguson tractors ever displayed in Ohio.
It will include the complete line up of Detroit built Ferguson Tractors, starting with the Ford/Ferguson 9N and ending with the complete F-40 model series.
This complete lineup includes 13 tractors.
There will also be a display of Massey Harris tractors and equipment, including everything from combines to grain drills, corn binders and reapers.
“This may be possibly the largest Massey Ferguson show ever,” said Gary Heffner, one of the event’s organizers.
He expects more than 300 pieces of Massey-related equipment and tractors will be displayed.
AGCO, who now owns the Massey brand, will also participate in the event.
Special post mark. There will be a first day of issue post mark to commemorate the show. Issued by the U.S. Postal Service, it will be available at the postal service display at the Massey Harris Ferguson Club of Ohio’s tent.
Visitors can have specially designed postcards postmarked at the show July 15 and 16.
Local exhibitors. In addition to displays by members of the Ohio club, the Massey Collectors Association, chartered in Missouri, and the Friends of Massey, which is chartered in Pennsylvania, will all be well represented.
All exhibitors who display featured tractors, equipment or memorabilia will receive a solid wood, laser engraved show plaque and are invited to a free dinner and social hour July 14 at 5 p.m., all of which is sponsored by the Ohio club.
There is also a Massey Expo Banquet July 16. Contact club treasurer Lorri Wright at 614-837-3775 for more information on the banquet.
Admission is $5 and all exhibitors must have a membership, which will grant admission for the duration of the show.
The Massey Harris Ferguson Club of Ohio has be in existence for eight years and has grown to more than 150 members from Ohio, six other states and Canada.
The club has a state show every summer, many different social events throughout the year and publishes a quarterly newsletter.
For more information on the show, contact Tom Patterson at 740-545-7597; Roger Otermat, 419-332-6036; Gary Heffner, 740-536-7345, or Jim and Sharon Watkins of the Miami Valley Club at 937-349-4721.
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