National Grange adds voice to USPS, other controversial issues


TULSA, Okla. — More than 50 delegates debated 160 resolutions from Granges throughout the nation during the 145th annual National Grange Convention Nov. 6-10 in Tulsa.

Of the initial resolutions submitted, ranging from internal definitions for membership to large-scale agriculture and rural access issues, more than 50 became National Grange policy through delegate action.

Dairy pricing, postal reform and expansion of rural broadband were just three areas in which new policy was adopted.

During the legislating process the delegates worked intensely on updating National Grange policy on several controversial issues such as U.S. Postal Service Reform, the build-out of broadband in rural areas and dairy pricing issues whose regional diversities can prove difficult to reach consensus on.

Support USPS

As the U.S. Postal Service continues to press for Congressional action on needed reforms, National Grange delegates reinforced their support for six-day mail delivery but committed to actively supporting necessary reforms and business model flexibility to preserve the 200-year-old agency that is so vital to rural Americans.

Grange delegates also collaborated to produce a state-of-the-art policy supporting America’s Broadband Connectivity Plan and a new funding mechanism that will help provide the universal service of high-speed Internet to all Americans regardless of where they chose to live.

National Grange Legislative Director Nicole Palya Wood said the actions of the delegates reflects a true focus on the betterment of rural America and quality of life for those in the field of agriculture.

“I am incredibly proud of the diligence of our members to address controversial and regional issues in such a cohesive manor. Congress could learn something from National Grange delegates and how we establish policy on such a wide ranges of issues,” Wood said.

“This year we have seen some great movement in the areas of rural broadband build-out, and the preservation of the U.S. Postal Service remains a top priority for the Grange.”