Ohio gets $20 million for biomass project


COLUMBUS — The Renewable Energy Institute International of Toledo will receive a $20 million grant through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

The grant will be used to develop a pilot biomass plant that will create a synthetic renewable diesel to help the United States reduce its dependency on foreign oil.

Meaningful investment

“This announcement by Energy Secretary Chu and Agriculture Secretary (Tom) Vilsack represents a meaningful investment in Ohio’s future manufacturing and clean energy base,” said Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland.

“The future of our economy will be built on these types of innovative projects, and this puts Ohio at the forefront of the renewable energy movement.”

High honor

According to U.S. Department of Energy, Ohio was one of 15 states to receive a portion of the $564 million from the ARRA to accelerate the construction and operation of pilot, demonstration and commercial-scale facilities.

The projects will validate refining technologies and help lay the foundation for full commercial-scale development of a biomass industry in the U.S.

Projects selected are part of the ongoing effort to spur the creation of the domestic bio-industry and provide new jobs in many rural areas of the country.