Ohio receives $99,000 grant to help farmers’ markets


PIKETON, Ohio — Ohio farmers’ markets and their vendors looking to boost their marketing efforts in providing fresh, local foods to consumers will receive assistance through a new Ohio State University Extension program.

OSU South Centers at Piketon was recently awarded a $99,000 U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Business Enterprise grant to launch the Growing! Ohio Farmers’ Markets program.

The program provides assistance to farmers’ market managers, board of directors and vendors/producers in three main areas of business: marketing, money and management.


OSU South Centers at Piketon is partnering with USDA Rural Development in implementing the program, the focus of which will be on providing business training and technical assistance. The technical assistance is designed to increase the knowledge, skills and abilities of the farmers’ markets participating in the program.

Training will include such areas as developing marketing plans, establishing producer standards, building a business plan, developing accounting systems, leveraging resources, and conducting feasibility studies.

Workshops will be provided beginning this fall. For more information on the program, contact Christie Welch at 740-289-2071, ext. 234, or e-mail welch.183@osu.edu.