Ohio State announces Dale and Betty Hedge Family Scholarship

dairy cow parlor

By Sherrie R. Whaley

COLUMBUS — Students who graduated from an Ohio high school and are now enrolled in The Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences can benefit from a new scholarship established to honor retired Noble County dairy farmers, Dale and Betty Hedge.

The Dale and Betty Hedge Family Scholarship will fund one or more awards, with preference given to candidates majoring in animal science with an interest in dairy science.

The Hedge family has deep roots in Noble County, living and farming there from the mid-1800s. Dale’s father, L.E. Hedge, worked with the local Rural Electrification Administration board to bring electricity to rural residents.

Dale and Betty, who married in 1949, began dairy farming and ran a small, but successful dairy for over 40 years. The Hedges helped modernize dairy farming by being the first in Noble County to use both artificial insemination and the Dairy Herd Improvement Association milk testing service. They were also the first dairy farmers to sell bulk milk in the county.

Dale served on numerous boards and committees that supported agriculture. He was the recipient of several awards, receiving the first Farmer of the Year award in Noble County, as well as production awards from Central Ohio Breeders Association.

Betty raised the heifer calves, kept farm records and was a clerk for Brookfield Township for 28 years.

The Hedges also supported and utilized Ohio State University Extension — CFAES’ statewide outreach arm — almost from its inception. They took advantage of extension educational programs whether for farm management, record keeping, homemaking or youth development.

Betty was a longtime 4-H leader and Dale served on the Noble County Fair Board.

They retired from farming in 1991, but continue to support agriculture in any way they can.

Their two daughters, Debbie (Hedge) Grammer and Linda (Hedge) Dunn, created the Hedge Family Scholarship to recognize and honor the lifelong commitment their parents have had toward agriculture and education.

The sisters realize how fortunate they were to have parents so committed to their higher education. Their hope is that through this scholarship their parents’ commitment to education and agriculture will be celebrated for years to come.

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