COLUMBUS – Ohio’s five major crops accounted for 10.3 million acres, about 2 percent below the 10.5 million acres last year.
Corn planted for all purposes at 3.20 million acres of corn this year is 6 percent below last year. Corn growers expect to harvest 2.97 million acres for grain, down 6 percent from the 3.17 million acres harvested last year.
Soybean planted acreage is 4.70 million acres and is up 2 percent, or 100,000 acres from the previous year. Acres to be harvested for beans, at 4.67 million acres, are 2 percent above the 4.58 million acres harvested in 2001.
Wheat acres are at 870,000 acres and are down 8 percent from last year’s 950,000 acres. Acres to be harvested are estimated to be 800,000 acres, 11 percent below 2001.
Ohio farmers planted 70,000 acres of oats, down 30,000 from last year. Oats harvested for grain is estimated at 55,000 acres, down 30,000 acres from 2001.
Planted barley acreage is estimated at 5,000 acres. All hay acreage to be harvested, at 1.51 million acres, is down one percent from 2001.
Tobacco acres for harvest is 6,100 acres and is unchanged from 2001. Sugarbeet planted acreage is up 213 percent from last year, at 1,700 acres.
U.S. report. All corn planted in the United States for all purposes is estimated at 78.9 million acres, up 4 percent from 2001 but down 1 percent from 2000. Growers expect to harvest 72.1 million acres for grain, up 5 percent from 2001.
All soybean planted in the United States is estimated at 73.0 million acres, down 2 percent from last year. The planted acreage is up 27,000 acres from March intentions.
Switch results. Persistent wet weather forced growers in the southern and eastern Corn Belt to switch to soybeans from their earlier corn intentions.
However, producers in the western Corn Belt planted fewer soybeans than intended and more than offset the eastern Corn Belt increase.
Harvesting. Area for harvest is estimated at 72 million acres, down 1 percent from 2001. All planted wheat area is estimated at 60.1 million acres, up 1 percent from 2001. Harvested area is expected to total 47.6 million acres, down 2 percent from last year.
Winter wheat area harvested for grain is expected to total 29.8 million acres, down 1 percent from the June 1 forecast. The area planted to oats last fall and this spring totaled 5.09 million acres, 1 percent below the March intentions, but 15 percent above last year’s final seeded acres.
Acreage to be harvested for grain, at 2.63 million acres, is 4 percent above the March intentions and 38 percent more than last year’s record low.
Increase since 1997. The increases for planted and harvested acres are the first since 1997.
Hay producers expect to harvest 64.7 million acres of all hay in 2002, up less than two percent from 2001. This is the largest harvested acreage of all hay since 1988.
Corn stocks in all positions in Ohio on June 1 totaled 163 million bushels, four percent above the 156.1 million bushels stored on June 1, 2001.
Stocks. On-farm stocks, at 79 million bushels, accounted for 48 percent of the total stored. Off-farm stocks increased six percent from a year ago to 84 million bushels.
Soybean stocks in Ohio totaled 41.9 million bushels, up 10 percent from June 1, 2001. Off-farm storage accounted for 69 percent of total storage, compared to 58 percent last year. Off-farm storage increased by 30 percent from 2001 to 28.9 million bushels.
On-farm stocks at 13 million bushels decreased 19 percent from a year ago. All wheat stocks totaled 30.1 million bushels, down 36 percent from last year.
Off-farm stocks, at 29.9 million bushels, account for 99 percent of total stocks. Off-farm stocks were down 34 percent from June 1, 2001.
U.S. stock. U.S. corn stocks in all positions on June 1 totaled 3.59 billion bushels, down 8 percent from June 1, 2001. Of the total stocks, 2.02 billion bushels are stored on farms, down 9 percent from a year earlier.
Off-farm stocks, at 1.57 billion bushels, are down 7 percent.
The March-May indicated disappearance is 2.20 billion bushels, compared with 2.12 billion bushels during the same period last year.
All wheat in the United States stored in all positions on June 1 totaled 772 million bushels, down 12 percent from a year ago. On-farm stocks are estimated at 212 million bushels, up 7 percent from last year.
Off-farm stocks, at 560 million bushels, are down 18 percent from a year ago.
The indicated March-May disappearance is 438 million bushels, down five percent from the same period a year earlier. U.S. soybeans stored in all positions on June 1 totaled 684 million bushels, down 3 percent from June 1, 2001.
On-farm stocks totaled 301 million bushels, down 17 percent from a year ago. Off-farm stocks, at 383 million bushels, are up 11 percent from a year ago.
Indicated disappearance for the March-May quarter totaled 652 million bushels, down six percent from the same period a year earlier.