Pa. feeder calf pool auction ups prices for small producers


UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – The Pennsylvania Feeder Calf Pool is getting ready to conduct another successful sale of feeder calves by tele-auction for smaller Pennsylvania producers.

Began in 1995, the program offers small producers the benefits of selling as part of a larger group of calves that have been raised with similar management and health programs.

The calves consigned to the pool are vaccinated, weaned, wormed, and graded. They are then sorted into lots, and sold in late September.

Higher prices. Price received for their cattle is the number one reason producers give for participating in the program. It often averages $20 per hundred weight above local market.

Producers pay a variable cost of between $35 and $47 per calf consigned.

Consignment forms are due the first week of August, and the first round of vaccinations will be given on the farm in early August, with second vaccinations in late August.

Calves will then be delivered to central weaning centers on Sept. 6-7, to be sold by tele-auction in late September.

More information and forms can be received by contacting Penn State Extension beef specialist John Comerford, 814-863-3661, or from county extension offices.