Penn State calving webinar set for Sept. 15

Penn State Holstein Calves

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State Extension will host a calving webinar called Socially Raised Calves: Pair Housing on Sept. 15 from noon to 1 p.m. for industry representatives, dairy farm owners and dairy farm employees to go over the social benefits of paired housing, meeting the nutritional needs of calves in paired housing, the current research on pair housing of dairy calves and more.

Raising healthy calves is a crucial aspect of any dairy operation, as a herd’s future depends on its calves’ health. Ensuring that these calves receive the healthiest start possible and continue to receive proper nutrition benefits both the calf and the dairy farm’s profitability.

This virtual event is the first in a series that will discuss socially raised dairy calves. Melissa Cantor, along with Hayley Springer, will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of calves raised in paired housing systems. This includes but is not limited to social benefits, nutritional requirements, current research on paired housing and upcoming mandates that may change how calves are raised in the United States.