Penn State Law to launch new Rural Economics Clinic


UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — With one of the nation’s largest rural populations, Pennsylvania’s economy is dependent upon its rural communities. This fall, Penn State Law will launch its new Rural Economic Development Clinic to support this important sector of our economy, giving law students hands-on learning experience in a wide variety of legal issues specifically faced by agricultural businesses and rural communities.

“The establishment of the clinic will expand upon this work by providing legal services to individual clients and client organizations. As a result, law students and rural communities will benefit in a very practical way.”


Professor Ross Pifer, director of the Agricultural Law Resource and Reference Center, also will direct the new legal clinic.

“Pennsylvania has a rich rural heritage and is home to more than 2.8 million rural residents,” said Philip McConnaughay, law school dean. “We want to provide students with the expertise to support the entrepreneurs and organizations that form the economic foundation of rural Pennsylvania.”

Operating like a small private law firm, clinic students will work under the supervision of licensed attorneys and will handle a wide variety of legal issues encountered by agricultural businesses and rural communities under the supervision of licensed attorneys.

The clinic will provide students interested in rural affairs and community development with the practical skills training required in any transactional legal practice, including interviewing, counseling, developing legal strategies, drafting legal documents and negotiation.

Deep roots

As one of Pennsylvania’s largest industries, agriculture has a profound impact on the Commonwealth’s economic success. This impact is most pronounced in rural communities where agricultural-related businesses remain a leading driver of economic development.

Additionally, energy production, such as Marcellus Shale natural gas extraction, has the potential to transform Pennsylvania’s rural communities. As the role of energy production in Pennsylvania grows, so will the need for legal counsel to understand the myriad issues faced by businesses, landowners, and communities as a whole.

The energy practice area is predicted to be a growth segment. The clinic will be an important way for students to get the type of practical experience that makes them attractive to employers.

“Sound business skills are arguably the most important factors in the ultimate success of rural operations,” said Pifer. “We will work with various individuals and organizations within the agricultural, food and energy sectors to assist in providing tools for successful business operation. Some examples of potential clients who could be served by the clinic include agricultural producers who need help in drafting a contract to market their goods using the Community Supported Agriculture model or who sell their produce to local restaurants.”

According to Pifer, other services could include providing legal assistance with developing basic business plans and reviewing contracts, as well as reviewing leases for wind or solar produced energy.