Professional Pork Producers Symposium to be held at 2009 Ohio Pork Congress


COLUMBUS — The annual Professional Pork Producers Symposium will be held during the 2009 Ohio Pork Congress Feb. 11 at the Crowne Plaza North, Columbus.

Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. and the symposium run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The symposium will address many issues Ohio’s pork producers face.

The seminar will feature speakers from across the nation, and cover topics from pork industry challenges and opportunities to alternative feed ingredients.

Topics and speakers

Topics and guest speakers will be as follows:

Outlook for the Pork Industry, Challenges and Opportunities — Christ Novak, CEO, National Pork Board, Clive, Iowa.

Re-thinking the Way We Do Things — Mike Brumm, Brumm Swine Consultancy, Inc., North Mankato, Minn.

Alternative Feed Ingredients: Pro’s and Con’s — Joel DeRouchey, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan.

Practical Feeding Programs for Sows (Gestation & Lactation) — Joel DeRouchey.

Manure 101: The Superior Fertilizer — Jon Rausch, OSU Extension program director, Animal Manure Management, Food, Ag & Biological Engineering, Columbus.

The Real Story of Ad Libitum Feed and Water — Mike Brumm.

Manure 102: Test Plot Results Comparing Manure Versus Commercial Fertilizer — Glen Arnold, OSU Extension educator, Ottawa, Ohio.


Pre-registration is $25 per person and registration at the door will be $60. The pre-registration deadline is Jan. 23.

The registration fee will include breakfast sandwiches, a buffet lunch and materials for the symposium, trade show and the Live Auction Reception following the symposium.

Checks should be made payable to the Ohio Pork Producers Council and mailed to OPPC, 5930 Sharon Woods Blvd., Suite 101, Columbus, OH 43229.

Registration forms are available online at

Trade show

The trade show floor will be open from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. for producers to see the latest technologies and meet with industry businesses.

For more information contact the Ohio Pork Producers Council at 800-320-7991 or visit