PUCO awards hazardous material training grants


COLUMBUS — The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio announced that it has awarded $800,000 in hazardous training grants to 21 applicants.

Through the annual hazardous materials training grant program, educational institutions and local governments across Ohio are awarded grants for training emergency responders to best respond to incidents related to hazardous materials.

The 21 applicants and awarded grants are as follows:

• Aurora Fire Department will receive $4,700 to train a total of 60 personnel in hazardous materials refresher courses and lithium battery emergencies training.

• Chemical Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council / Franklin County EMA will receive $11,675 to train 60 personnel.

• Cincinnati State Technical and Community College will receive $62,995 to provide various student training.

• City of Toledo, Division of Environmental Services will receive $22,999 to train 720 personnel in hazardous waste, emergency response, lithium battery emergency and rail awareness courses.

• Cleveland Department of Public Utilities will receive $9,990 to train 100 personnel in spill prevention control and countermeasures.

• Cleveland Fire Department will receive $39,900 to train 20 personnel in highway emergency response and tank car specialist courses.

• Cleveland State University will receive $400,000 to fund 10 courses related to various hazardous materials topics.

• Clinton Fire Department will receive $4,450 to fund hazardous materials refresher and lithium battery emergency training for 50 personnel.

• Cumberland Train Fire Department will receive $2,750 to train 44 personnel in lithium battery emergencies.

• Fairfield County EMA will receive $12,550 to train 105 personnel in hazardous materials rail awareness and hazmat release/spill response.

• Findlay Fire Department will receive $23,500 to provide a 40-hour hazardous material technician training course for 40 personnel.

• Green Fire Department will receive $8,250 to train 57 personnel in lithium battery emergencies.

• Hamilton County Local Emergency Committee will receive $9,400 to conduct a hazmat research officer course and a hazmat IQ training for 30 personnel.

• Huron County EMA will receive $6,870 to 100 personnel in hazmat dispatching, awareness, vehicle emergencies and lithium battery emergencies.

• Macedonia Fire Department/Twinsburg Fire Department will collectively receive $22,850 to train 120 personnel.

• Mount Gilead Fire Department will receive $2,875 to train 25 personnel in lithium battery emergencies.

• South Euclid Fire Department will receive $12,425 to provide training to 20 personnel for HM technician-level certification.

• Union County EMA will receive $10,900 to train 50 personnel in lithium battery emergencies.

• University of Findlay will receive $86,055 to provide training courses on rail car emergencies and other hazmat response courses.

• Utica Volunteer Fire Department will receive $5,990 to provide hazmat training to 48 personnel.

• Wayne County Regional Training Facility will receive $38,875 to provide 6 hazmat training courses for up to 135 personnel.

The PUCO awards grants for the training of public safety and emergency services personnel in the proper techniques for the management of hazardous materials spills and releases that occur during transportation. Money for these grants comes from fines paid by hazardous material carriers and shippers.