SALEM, Ohio – Piggy bank collector Michelle Moore offers the following advice to beginning collectors:
* Make a budget for your collection and stick to it.
* Look for banks that are in good condition. If the bank is not in good condition, however, you might want to buy it anyway if it is a good price. You can upgrade later if you find a better one.
* Keep piggy banks that have sentimental value.
* Collect the banks you like.
* Bargain hunting pays off big in the little world of collecting banks.
* If you want a nice, quality collection, expect to pay between $25-$100 for most banks.
References. Moore also offers the following piggy bank book references:
* Ceramic Coin Banks (Collector Books) by Tom and Loretta Stoddard.
* Banks (Collector Books) by Jim and Beverly Mangus.
* Modern Banks (LW Publishing) by Vickie Stulb.
* Penny Banks Around the World (Schiffer Publishing) by Don Duer.
* Look in pottery identification guides because most pottery manufacturers made at least one piggy bank. Examples of these manufacturers include McCoy, Hull and American Bisque.
– Kristy Hebert