FORT COLLINS, Colo. – Judy McKenna, family resource management specialist at Colorado State University Extension, thinks a change of name might make the concept of being a “cheapskate” more appealing.
” I know it seems wacky,” McKenna said, “but change often brings out the best in us – and for those who have lost a job, the change is big.”
When money is tight, she said, it is a challenge to become more resourceful.
McKenna said she found a quote from Mary Hunt, founding editor of, on The Bankrate Web site (
State of mind. The site quotes Hunt as saying, “there are many ways to cut corners and pinch pennies and not be destined to live a reduced-price life. Being cheap is a state of mind and a great way to turn your economics around without denying yourself the simple pleasures of living. Hey, it’s even cool.”
A cheapskate, Hunt said:
Has a balanced, honest and dignified approach to money management;
Is someone who doesn’t spend more than they earn or let money and material possessions rule their thoughts and desires;
Does not buy on impulse;
Pinches pennies and uses products and services resourcefully. McKenna said that what Hunt is describing is really just resourceful behavior.
“Maybe we should just refer to it as ‘sharpskate’ tactics,” she said.