Royek tops Warren Co. dairy show


Lyndsey Royek’s 4-year-old Holstein took supreme champion honors at the 2008 Warren County Fair junior dairy show.

The overall best bred-and-owned award went to Colter Johnson for his senior 3-year-old Holstein.

The show was judged by Tom Uber, type, and Ben Nickerson, fitting.


The Junior 3-year-old shown by Hailey Reynolds was named grand champion Ayrshire with the junior champion, the summer yearling owned by Edward Sekerak, being named reserve grand champion.

Hailey Reynolds received the best animal bred-and-owned award.

Brown Swiss

The grand champion of the breed was the junior 2-year-old exhibited by Kurtis Messinger. The animal was also senior champion.

The reserve grand champion was the summer yearling exhibited by Justin Messinger, which was also junior champion.

Kurtis Messinger took the reserve junior champion with his intermediate yearling. The reserve senior champion was the senior 2-year-old exhibited by Curtis Royek.

Jared Heine received the best animal bred and owned award.


The 5-year-old Holstein owned and exhibited by Lyndsey Royek was named senior champion and overall grand champion Holstein.

Reserve overall champion and reserve senior champion went to Curtis Royek with his senior 2-year-old.

The spring yearling exhibited by Edward Sekerak was named junior champion. The fall yearling shown by Marshall Johnson was named reserve junior champion.

Colter Johnson took the best bred and owned award.


The grand champion Jersey and senior champion was the junior 2-year-old shown by Laura Curtis.

The breed’s reserve and reserve senior champion was the junior 2-year old shown by Jennifer Curtis.

The junior champion was the senior yearling shown by Ty Curtis. The reserve junior champion was the junior calf shown by Johnathon Gates.


Hailey Reynolds showed the first-place spring Lineback calf.

Carly Martone has the top winter calf, and Jonathon Linkerhof had the top spring yearling.

The winter calf shown by Carly Martone was named junior champion. The spring calf shown by Hailey Reynolds was the reserve junior champion. These animals repeated as the grand champion and reserve grand champion for the breed.

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