Farm and Dairy writers garner national awards


SALEM, Ohio — Farm and Dairy editor Susan Crowell and reporter Andrea Zippay earned three awards in the National Newspaper Association‘s 2008 Better Newspaper Contest.

Crowell placed first in the best serious column category of the nondaily division, circulation of 15,000 or more, with her column Advice for Life: Get up eight, which was published in the May 24, 2007, Farm and Dairy.

Zippay earned two second-place finishes for her entries. Her story, Moff dairy farm faces decision: Houses or Holsteins, placed in the best agricultural story nondaily division, 6,000 or more circulation. It appeared in the Nov. 8, 2007, Farm and Dairy.

Zippay’s article, Jumbo gumbo, which was published in the June 14, 2007, edition, placed in the best business feature story category of the nondaily division, 12,000 or more circulation.

Crowell, who joined the paper in 1985, has served as editor since 1989. A native of Holmes County, she is a graduate of Kent State University. Zippay joined the Farm and Dairy staff in 2001 after earning a degree in agricultural communication from Ohio State University.

“We don’t write stories to win contests; we write stories to inform or entertain our readers,” said Publisher Scot Darling. “But the quality of writing we give our readers, week in and week out, is among the best in the country and I’m proud of the work we do.”

Crowell also served as a volunteer judge for the writing contest, rating entries in the best agricultural story divisions that did not include Farm and Dairy.

The contest, which drew 1,987 entries from 134 member-newspapers in 35 states, recognizes the nation’s best in community journalism. The award winners will be recognized during the National Newspaper Association’s annual meeting Sept. 27 in St. Paul, Minn.