WORTHINGTON – If you want to reserve space on a wagon train that will cross Ohio this summer, the deadline to register is June 6.
The Bicentennial Wagon Train will journey across the state June 21-July 14.
Fits your schedule. Participants can tailor their wagon train adventure around a weekend getaway or the family vacation.
Travelers will be responsible for transportation to and from the sites where they start and end their trip.
On the National Road. During its 275-mile trek across the state, the wagon train will roughly follow the National Road (U.S. 40) as it crosses 10 counties between Martins Ferry and New Paris.
Communities along the route are planning special parades, picnics and parties to welcome the rolling history event.
Participants will travel from 12 to 16 miles a day, depending on the terrain and the number of scheduled activities.
To register. Registration applications are available to download online awt www.worthington.org/bicentennial or may be picked up at a number of locations, including community libraries, area chambers of commerce, convention and visitor bureaus, county offices and historical societies.
A list of specific locations can be obtained by calling the Worthington Bicentennial Information Line at 614-543-0299.
A daily fee of $25 per person will be charged to help cover the costs.
For more information on Ohio Bicentennial events, call 1-888-OHIO-200, or visit www.ohio200.com.