Select Sires: Gratitude offspring semen sales will continue


PLAIN CITY, Ohio — Select Sires Inc. is resuming the sale of semen from OA Oomsdale Gordo Goldie Gratitude (111224922) descendant, Super Sampler 7JE1013 GR Oomsdale Jac Casey Cowell-ET.

The announcement came March 17 following the American Jersey Cattle Association board of directors’ decision to correct the parentage of Gratitude and to implement changes in the Genetic Recovery Program.

Select Sires had temporarily suspended sales due to the discovery of Holstein genetics in the Gratitude cow.

As previously reported in Farm and Dairy, the association adopted new rules, effective immediately, for expanded recording of females and males in the Genetic Recovery Program, and for use of genomic technology to establish Jersey genetic inheritance in females enrolled in Jersey Expansion.

About the cow

The cow, Gratitude, will be recorded as an Original Animal (OA) through the Genetic Recovery program in the breed’s Herd Book and will receive an OA prefix.

Originally, Gratitude would have resulted as a J1 through Jersey Expansion, but due to further decision by the board her registry status was raised based on her own DNA genotype test.


Her sons and daughters are now considered Provisional Register (PR) animals and grandsons and granddaughters as Genetic Recovery (GR) animals.

The offspring of the GR animals will be Herd Register animals and will appear with no prefix in the Herd Book.

All GR and Herd Register animals are eligible for full recognition in shows and for official association production awards.

Currently, Select Sires is marketing semen from maternal and paternal grandsons of Gratitude which are marked with the official GR status.