Seminars for shepherds scheduled


PENNSYLVANIA FURNACE, Pa. — If you currently own sheep or goats, or are considering starting a small ruminant flock or herd, plan to attend the Pa. Shepherd’s Symposium Oct. 16 and Beginning Shepherd’s Workshop Oct.17.

The symposium will be held Oct. 16 at the Samuel E. Hayes, Jr. Pa. Livestock Evaluation Center, Pennsylvania Furnace, Pa. and will focus on grazing.


Natural resources experts and grazing specialists will review forage growth, selection and identification as well as discuss management to maintain productive pastures and explain the economics behind proper grazing techniques.

Predator issues tend to increase during the grazing season and a representative from the Pa. Dog Law will review procedures when dealing with and reporting predator losses.

Kencove Fencing will review the numerous fencing options available to small ruminant flocks/herds, in addition to evaluating the various chargers that are on the market.


Dr. Wolfgang, Penn State Extension veterinarian, will demonstrate fecal floatation and best management practices to control internal parasites. (Early registrations will be given the opportunity to bring a fecal sample from home to be analyzed free of charge)

To wrap up the grazing presentations, there will be a livestock herding dog trainer to do a demonstration and discuss the pros/cons of livestock herding animals as well as livestock protection animals. The day will also include the opportunity to meet with the industry’s youth.


The youth portion, new this year, will run simultaneously with the symposium program from 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. There will be a lamb luncheon, showcasing the contestants for the 2011 Pa. Lamb & Wool Queen contest.

There will be a silent auction to benefit the Pa. Sheep & Wool Growers Association, a reception and door prizes, concluding with the Pa. Sheep & Wool Growers annual meeting.

Beginner’s workshop

The Beginning Shepherd’s Workshop will be held Oct. 17 at the Samuel E. Hayes, Jr. Pa. Livestock Evaluation Center. The goal of the workshop is to provide hands-on management information for both first-time and experienced shepherds.

This year’s focus will be Small Ruminant Health. Topics covered will include: Medical Assessment of the Animal, Common Health Issues, Medications/Vaccinations/Dewormer (dosage calculations & choice drugs), Injections (SQ/IV/IM), Quality Assurance and Problem Solving.

The featured speaker will be James F. Evans, VMD.

For more information and to pre-register contact Joanne Evans at 717-485-0532 or by e-mail at