‘Seven Sisters’ quilt made for raffle


NEW CUMBERLAND, W.Va. – The 17th annual Panhandle Piecemakers Quilt Show will be held June 8-9 at the John D. Rockefeller Career Center in New Cumberland, W.Va.

The raffle quilt for this year is titled “Seven Sisters,” and represents the theme of the show “Stars.” There are many “Seven Sister” myths connected with this quilt design, but it is believed to be derived from the constellation Pleiades, which represents the seven daughters of Atlas in Greek mythology.

The quilt was pieced by Marlies Brandt and Mary Jane Tarr, and hand-quilted by club members.

Quilts or quilted items that are to be entered in the show must be registered between 1-6 p.m., June 6, at the John D. Rockefeller Career Center. Participants may choose to have their quilted items judged and displayed, or displayed only.

Entries must be left on display until the close of the quilt show.

Each person who registers an item will receive a free pass to view the show.

Quilt judge will be Judy Lilly from Winfield, W.Va. Ribbons are to be presented in 15 selected categories.

Certified quilt appraiser Elizabeth Granholm of Morgantown, W.Va., will be available by appointment only from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on June 6. Contact Lois Carpini at 304-723-3027 to schedule an appointment.

Other features of the show will be quilt merchants, demonstrations, and a luncheon provided by the Hancock County Extension Homemakers.

Scheduled demonstrations:

Friday, June 8:

* 11 a.m. – Trunk show with Vesta Durbin;

* 1 p.m. – Quilting tips and tricks with Dorothy Ford;

* 3 p.m. – Basic applique with Barbara Wright.

Saturday June 9:

* 11 a.m. – Making YoYo’s with Donna Jean Sweeney;

* 1 p.m. – Vest design and construction with Marlies Brandt;

* 3 p.m. – Machine quilting with Marlies Brandt.

Hours for the show will be 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. both days. Admission is $3, with children 12 and under admitted free. Raffle tickets are available from any Panhandle Piecemakers member or at the show for $1 a ticket.

The John D. Rockefeller Career Center is located north of New Cumberland and south of Mountaineer Racetrack and Resort on Route 2.