Shorthorn sale averages $1,360 each


DOVER, Ohio – The Eastern Ohio Shorthorn Association recently held its spring sale at the Tuscarawas County Fairgrounds, Dover, Ohio.
The 42 head of Shorthorns were judged by Kim Davis, Carrollton, Ohio.
REF Pollyana, a white February 2006 female was selected as the champion female. This lot 20 heifer was consigned by REF Shorthorn of Edon, Ohio, and was purchased by C&P Shorthorns, Cox Mills, W.Va. for $1,600.
The reserve champion female was lot 42, a white November 2006 calf, JAMS Rose Blossom Petal. She sold for $2,000 to C&P Shorthorns, Cox Mills, W.Va. This female was consigned by J.A.M.S. Farms, Sidney, Ohio.
Top bulls. Topping the sale at $2,600 was the champion bull. Lot 2 Mooreland Velvet Rider, a March 2006 bull, was consigned by Mooreland Shorthorns, Decatur, Ohio. The Raymond Frame Family, Lore City, Ohio, was the buyer.
The reserve champion bull was lot 9, MBCF Cottoneye Joe, a June 2006 bull, consigned by Maple Brook Farm, Ridgeway, Ohio. He sold for $2,000 to Eric Cunningham, St. Marys, Ohio.
The second top-selling lot was lot 15, HF Betsy, a May bred heifer consigned by Hobalara Farm, Sugarcreek, Ohio. She sold for $2,300 to Bentz Farms, Lancaster, Ohio.
Lot 21, a Stone Springs consignment, brought $2,000. Stone Springs Pansy, a March 2006 heifer, was sold to Kitchen Creek Farms, Marysville, Ohio.
The top selling cow/calf pair was lot 12, Ruby’s Alexandrite, a Feb. 2002 cow and her January 2007 heifer calf, consigned by Rummell Shorthorns, Sherrodsville, Ohio. This pair sold for $1,900 to Chris Bower, Bowerston, Ohio.
The Travis Teeters Family, Leesburg, Ohio, was the volume buyer with the purchase of five head.
Averages. The 11 bulls averaged $1,286 and the 31 females averaged $1,386. The average for the 42 lots was $1,360.
Todd Woodruff, Urbana, Ohio, was the auctioneer. Jeff Workman, Columbus, Ohio, was the sale manager. Also on hand was Ohio Shorthorn Lassie Queen Stevie McCarty, Russellville, Ohio.