Showdown highlights youth efforts


MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. – The Northern Panhandle Stockman’s Association of West Virginia held its annual Blue Gold Showdown Junior Show May 12.
This is a junior show open to anyone 21 or younger. It was judged by Bryan Carroll of Kentucky.
Champions. The grand champion steer was exhibited by Colt Filges; Ryan Nolt had the reserve champion steer.
In the heifer division, Tracy Bowman had the grand champion, while Sara Campbell had the reserve champion female.
A class was held for Marshall County exhibitors only with Jayne Henry winning that division.
The showmanship classes were divided into junior and senior groups. The senior showman was Tracy Bowman, while Courtney Hilderbrand won top honors in the junior showman category.
Nonprofit. The Northern Panhandle Stockman’s Association is a nonprofit organization located in West Virginia.
It is devoted to the promotion and development of the beef industry, supporting youth programs, donating many hours of time and money to local fairs, 4-H clubs, FFA chapters, and supporting the Blue Gold Showdown.