OSU/Wilmington College join hands for small farm conference in March


WILMINGTON, Ohio — The Ohio State University Extension Small Farm Program will hold “Opening Doors to Success” Small Farm Conference and Trade Show from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 14 at Wilmington College, Wilmington.

This intensive conference will give participants the opportunity to choose from more than 40 different seminars taught by Extension professionals and industry leaders on a wide variety of agricultural enterprises.


Seminars will focus on the areas of aquaculture; farm management; forages and pasture; livestock — exotic and traditional; horticulture — fruit and vegetables; natural resources; Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education; organic production and marketing.

The program will begin at 8:30 a.m. with registration and the trade show. Sessions will begin at 9:30 a.m.

Cost and registration

Cost of this program is $40 per person. Registration deadline is March 2. Cost includes handouts, tradeshow, breaks and lunch.

Registration information can be obtained by visiting www.clinton.osu.edu under Small Farm Programs, by e-mailing nye.1@osu.edu or by calling 937-382-0901.