Solar and wind grants available


COLUMBUS — Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher announced the availability of $3.5 million in new grants for solar hot water systems and wind technologies to benefit residential users.

The grants, made available through the Advanced Energy Fund, will be administered by the Ohio Energy Office, located in the Strategic Business Investment Division of the Ohio Department of Development.

Advanced Energy Fund

The Advanced Energy Fund, created under a provision of the Ohio Electric Restructuring Act of 1999 and revised in Senate Bill 221 passed May 1, 2008, provides support for the deployment and development of advanced energy and energy efficiency technologies in the territories of Ohio’s investor-owned utilities.

The wind program, totaling $1.5 million, provides $2 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) up to $25,000 or 50 percent of project costs for small wind residential projects installed by eligible installers of the program.

Totaling $2 million, the solar thermal program provides 50 percent of project costs for solar hot water systems installed on affordable multi-family housing with domestic water heated with electricity. Projects are given priority in the ordered received.

More information

For applications and more information about the Advanced Energy Fund or the Ohio Energy Office visit or call 614-466-6797.


  1. I raise cows here but the wind is always blowing everday today its 50 to 60 mph. I got 200 acres and i want to put up wind mills around the outside perimeter. I would like some info on grant money and specs on windmill itself.