Stone Laboratory announces summer lecture series


PUT-IN-BAY, Ohio — Stone Laboratory, Ohio State University’s island campus on Lake Erie, has announced its 2011 guest lecture series, beginning June 16.

Researchers will give brief summaries of their research at 7 p.m. and lectures will last from 7:45 p.m. to approximately 9 p.m. Guests are invited to take a Lake Erie water taxi, at their own expense, at 6:30 or 7:15 p.m. from the Boardwalk Restaurant dock to Gibraltar Island, where they will be given a short tour before the lecture.


The public can view the lectures and research briefs via a live web seminar from any computer with Internet access. Those interested in more information about the webinar option and getting the log-in information for specific lectures should send an email to Matthew Forte at

The lectures also will be broadcast live in 333C Kottman Hall on the OSU main campus and available a few weeks after each presentation as podcasts at


This year’s lectures and research presentations include:

  • June 16 — Amanda Rodewald, professor, OSU School of Nat. Resources; Bird conservation in an urbanizing world: Are we winging it?
  • June 23 — Research brief: James Marshall, asst. professor of biology, Rockford College; Bird dispersal of invasive honeysuckle: residents versus migrants.

Scott Nally, Director, Ohio EPA; OEPA update/director’s initiatives.

  • June 30 — Research brief: Lawrence A. Krissek, professor and assoc. director, School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University; Evidence for pliocene climate changes in Antarctica at orbital and sub-orbital time scales.

Charles E. Herdendorf, professor emeritus, The Ohio State University; The origin and evolution of Presque Isle sandspit (Erie, Pa.) — How it contributed to Commodore Perry’s victory at the Battle of Lake Erie.

• July 7 — Research brief: John-David Yoder, assoc. professor and chair, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ohio Northern University; Robots for environmental science.

Stuart Ludsin, professor, OSU, Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology; Climate change impacts on fishes of the Great Lakes.

• July 14 — Research brief: Christopher Winslow, asst. professor, Biology department, Kutztown University; Hypoxia in the western basin of Lake Erie: Low oxygen in a shallow system.

David Mustine, director, ODNR; Productive partnerships: watersheds and lakes.

• July 28 — Research brief: Linda Merchant-Masonbrink, coordinator of the Harmful Algal Bloom, Inland Lake and Source Water Assessment programs; Ohio Environmental Protection Agency; Ohio’s harmful algal bloom response strategy.

Lawrence Krissek, Department of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University; The geologic history of the Lake Erie basin.

• Aug. 4 — Research brief: Darren Bade, asst. professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Kent State University; Should we care about nitrogen in Lake Erie?

Andrew Gronewold, physical scientist/hydrologist, NOAA, GLERL; Climate change impacts on Great Lakes water levels.

• Aug. 11 — Research brief: Sarah Opfer, Great Lakes regional coordinator, Marine Debris Division, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; A smorgasbord of marine debris.

Laura Powell, assistant director, OEPA; The reality of public policy and the environment.

Upon request, broadcasts can be sent to other remote locations. For information on simulcast opportunities, contact the Stone Laboratory Office at 614-247-6500.

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