Temple Grandin to speak at OSU’s animal welfare symposium


Nov. 30 COLUMBUS — The second annual Ohio State University Animal Welfare Symposium will be held Nov. 30 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, Fred Taylor Drive in Columbus.

The symposium is a joint venture between the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine and the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ Department of Animal Sciences.

Key speakers

This year’s keynote speaker is Temple Grandin of Colorado State University. Grandin is internationally renowned for her work in animal welfare, particularly in regards to improving livestock and poultry handling practices.

She will be addressing many key areas of humane handling of livestock on the farm that have been heavily scrutinized and criticized recently, especially in Ohio. Following her keynote presentation, she will conduct a 45-minute question-and-answer session.

Dr. Jan Shearer, professor and dairy Extension veterinary specialist at Iowa State University, will share his knowledge of appropriate methods of euthanasia, and considerations for when euthanasia should occur.

The latest research findings from surveys of consumers and the implications for the livestock industries will also be presented.

Dr. Linda Lobao, rural sociologist at Ohio State University, will focus on results from Ohio, and Charlie Arnot, CEO of Center for Food Integrity, will share results from national studies.

An update on the activities of the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board will also be given, and the afternoon will close with a panel discussion on industry and professional organizations’ approaches to animal welfare in Ohio.

Program details and online registration are available at http://vet.osu.edu/preventive-medicine/AnimalWelfareSymposium.

If received before Nov. 22, registration is $40 ($125 if seeking continuing education credit), or $25 for students (ID required). An additional $10 will be charged after Nov. 22.

For information call 614-292-8727.