Ten $3,000 scholarships available to dairy students

cow noses

Harrisburg, Pa. – The Center for Dairy Excellence Foundation of Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association are offering ten $3,000 scholarships to undergraduate students and high school seniors who are pursuing an education in a dairy-related field for the 2020-21 academic year. The scholarship applications are available online and must be submitted by June 1.

“We hope this scholarship opportunity can send some positivity and hope to college students and high school seniors who are ending their school years with virtual learning,” said Brittany Snyder, dairy education program manager at the Dairy Excellence Foundation. “The application is available online, so students can practice social distancing and apply for the scholarship easily from home.”

The scholarships are offered annually to recognize outstanding students who are enrolled in academic programs that support the dairy industry. Undergraduate students and high school seniors entering college in the fall are eligible for the scholarships.

“The Student Leader Scholarship has helped me continue making my education a reality,” said Thomas Gabel, a 2019 scholarship recipient and a sophomore at The Pennsylvania State University. “I am currently studying to be a high school agricultural educator and positively impact the next generation of leaders in the agricultural and dairy industry. This scholarship has alleviated financial burdens and allowed me to focus more on my studies.”

Eligibility requirements

To qualify for the scholarship, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a Pennsylvania resident
  • Demonstrate a commitment to working in the dairy industry in the future
  • Be a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in a related field of study
  • Be a high school senior planning to enroll in a related field of study

Pennsylvania residents who are fulltime undergraduate students currently enrolled in a qualifying field of study or high school seniors who are planning to enroll in a qualifying field of study are given consideration for this scholarship. Qualifying fields of study include dairy and animal science, agricultural marketing and business, nutrition, food science, agriculture and extension education, agricultural communications, agricultural engineering, or related fields.

Students can receive the $3,000 scholarship twice during their undergraduate academic career. Students employed by the Center for Dairy Excellence as an intern or in another capacity are not eligible to apply during the period in which they are working for the Center. To learn more, visit centerfordairyexcellence.org/scholarships and apply by June 1, 2020.

Contact Brittany Snyder with questions at 717-346-0849 or by email at bsnyder@centerfordairyexcellence.org.

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