‘The Wilds’ gets a funding boost


V. Voinovich, R-Ohio, $250,000 from the Appalachian Regional Commission has been allocated to the International Center for the Preservation of Wild Animals in Cumberland, Ohio.
The funds will be used to construct a science training center and support the training and education of nearly 4,000 students, faculty and researchers each year.
Other funds. In addition to Appalachian Regional Commission funds, the American Electric Power Foundation has pledged $250,000; USDA Rural Development has committed $30,000; Ohio’s Governor’s Office of Appalachia will provide $115,000; Hocking College will contribute $25,000; and the Wilds will add $30,000, bringing the total project funding to $700,000.
During his first term in the Senate, Voinovich authored the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 2002 (S. 1206), which was signed by the president March 12, 2002.
The bill reauthorized the economic development efforts of the Appalachian Regional Commission, providing $446 million over five years for these efforts, and enacted a new technology initiative to help improve the region’s telecommunication infrastructure and help businesses and residents take better advantage of e-commerce opportunities.
Reauthorized. With that reauthorization slated to run out soon, Voinovich recently worked with his colleagues to pass his legislation to reauthorize the Appalachian Regional Commission at $510.9 million over five years through the Senate.