Tire mechanic killed in explosion at Ohio farm


SALEM, Ohio – A tractor tire exploded last week at a Trumbull County dairy farm, killing the mechanic.
Twenty-four-year-old Josh Surber from Millersburg Tire was working on the tire at the time, according to company spokesperson Brad Schmucker.
Further injuries. Farmer Dave Hall had purchased four tires from the company and Surber was at the farm April 12 putting them on a John Deere tractor, said Hall’s wife, Laura.
He was on the third tire when the explosion happened, she said.
Standing next to Surber was Hall’s 25-year-old son, David. He suffered a concussion and face and ankle injuries.
The family milks 130 Holsteins and farms 300 acres in Gustavus, Hall said.
“Our deepest sympathies go out to that family,” she said. “Our son is about the same age, a year older, and we really feel for them. It could’ve been both of us going through this.”
Josh Surber. Surber graduated from West Holmes High School in 1999 and attended both Hiram College and Wayne College.
He had worked for Millersburg Tire for five years.
He is survived by his wife, Desha, and daughters, Mackenna and Mia, all of Millersburg, Ohio.
Memorial contributions can be made to the Joshua Surber Memorial Fund, c/o Commercial and Savings Bank, Attn: Deb Berner, 6 W. Jackson St., Millersburg, OH 44654.
(Reporter Kristy Hebert welcomes feedback by phone at 800-837-3419, ext. 23 or by e-mail at khebert@farmanddairy.com.)