Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Tusc. Co. Rs Ch Dairy steer

Tusc. Co. Rs Ch Dairy steer

Tusc. Co. Gr Ch hog

Madison Miller raised this year’s reserve champion dairy steer. It was also the first reserve champion dairy steer in Tuscarawas County fair history. The steer weighed 1,394 pounds and sold for $2 a pound to Gordon Milk Transport. Pictured is Rodney Gordon along with Lauren Sproul, Tuscarawas County Junior Fair Queen, Ciara Himes, Tuscarawas County Beef Queen and Micayla Lautzenheiser, Tuscarawas County Beef Princess.
(Kristy Foster Seachrist photo)

Tusc. Co. Rs. Ch steer
Tusc. Co. Gr. Dairy steer1