Utica and Marcellus shale: Activity continues to slow in Ohio, Pa., W.Va.

natural gas rig

SALEM, Ohio — August was a slow month for permits issued by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources — only 17 permits were issued in four counties: Belmont, Jefferson, Monroe and Noble.

Monroe County

Monroe led the state with six permits issued — all issued in Salem Township to Eclipse Resources.
In Monroe County, there are currently 63 producing wells and 110 wells in some sort of drilling phase. They are either being drilled or have been drilled and are awaiting higher prices in the market place or pipelines to move the natural gas from the well.

Belmont County

The ODNR issued five new permits in Belmont County during August. Four of the five permits were issued to Rice Drilling. Three permits were issued in Goshen Township and a single permit was issued in Smith Township.
A single well permit was also issued in Pultney Township to XTO Energy.
In the second quarter production report from the ODNR, four of the top 10 producing gas wells were located in Smith Township and are considered by some to be “monster wells” because of the production numbers being reported.
There are now 105 producing wells in Belmont County and 93 wells drilled and awaiting infrastructure to get the gas product to the market.

Jefferson, Noble counties

The ODNR issued three permits in both Jefferson and Noble counties.
In Jefferson County, the ODNR issued two permits in Salem Township to American Petroleum and one in Ross Township to Chesapeake Exploration.
There are 14 producing wells in Jefferson County and 29 wells in some sort of drilling phase.
In Noble County, the ODNR issued three permits in Wayne Township to Antero Resources Corporation.

The ODNR reported there are 87 wells producing in Noble County and 40 wells in some sort of drilling phase.

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Utica shale

As of Aug. 31, the ODNR has issued 1,996 permits for horizontal drilling in the Utica shale in Ohio since the state started issuing permits, and 1,586 of those permits have resulted in wells being drilled.
The ODNR is reporting there are 21 drilling rigs in the Utica shale as of Aug. 29.

Marcellus shale

According to the ODNR, there was little activity in the Marcellus shale. There are no rigs currently drilling in the Marcellus in Ohio and no new permits were issued in August.


The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection reported there were 144 unconventional (shale) well permits issued in August.
Susquehanna County led the pack with 32 new permits issued in August. Susquehanna County is one of the first areas to be developed for shale gas wells almost 10 years ago, and so far in 2015, the DEP has issued 192 permits in Susquehanna County.
The DEP also reported nine shale wells drilled there during August.

Washington County

In Washington County, the DEP issued 22 new unconventional well permits during August. So far in 2015, the DEP issued 223 permits, and the DEP reported there were 17 wells drilled in August.

Greene County

The DEP issued 20 new permits for drilling in Greene County. In 2015, the DEP has issued a total of 221 permits. There were seven new wells drilled there during August.

Butler County

Permitting continues to move forward in Butler County, where 16 new permits were issued during August. In 2015, there were 92 permits issued for new wells in Butler County.
According to the DEP, there was only one well drilled in Butler County during August.

Lawrence County

The DEP issued six new permits in Lawrence County during August, and 25 new permits have been issued for wells there since the beginning of the year. There were no wells drilled in August.

West Virginia

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection issued 359 permits for horizontal shale wells since Jan. 1.
In August, the DEP issued seven new permits to the SWN Production Company for drilling in Ohio County on two separate properties.

Marshall County

The DEP issued three new permits during August on two separate Marshall County properties. Two permits were issued to Noble Energy Inc. for land owned by the Consolidation Coal Company and one permit to Stone Energy Corporation for land owned by Dennis W. Hunter.

Tyler County

In August, the DEP issued nine new permits in Tyler County. Four of the permits were issued to the Statoil USA Onshore Properties, Inc. and five were issued to the Antero Resources Corporation.

Monongalia County

A single permit was issued by the DEP to the EQT Production Company for drilling in August in Monongalia County.

Wetzel County

In Wetzel County, the DEP issued two new permits to the EQT Production Company for drilling at one site.