CANTON, Ohio – “Here Comes the Vintage Bride,” a show focusing on the past 100 years of bridal fashions, will be held April 6 at the North Canton Civic Center.
The event, hosted by the McKinley Museum, will feature the family stories and remembrances of that long dreamed-of
day for brides and their families. Bridesmaid, mother-of the-bride, and other party dresses will also be modeled.
Raffle items. Doors open at 11 a.m. for an opportunity to review raffle items, including the preservation of textiles in acid-free tissue and boxing by the museum curator. Other prizes include the preparation of a hearth-cooked meal for six in the cabin in the Street of Shops, and a private star show for 12 people in the museum planetarium.
Lunch will be served at noon. Completing the meal will be the tradition of the cutting of the wedding cakes which serve as the centerpiece of each table. A Civil War era wedding will be reenacted. The fashion show will begin at 1 p.m.
Tickets are $25 per person. Reservations are required. For more information call the museum at 330-455-7043.