Web tool helps sustainable farmers


PORTLAND, Ore. – Farmers now have a free online tool available that allows them to compare their current management practices with “best practices” for sustainable agriculture.
Developed by Food Alliance, a nonprofit certification organization, through a partnership with Oregon State University and Washington State University, the tool offers information and resources to help farmers identify and implement strategies to manage production, environmental, human resource and other risks.
Tools. The online self-assessment tool looks at safe and fair working conditions, integrated pest management, soil and water conservation, and wildlife habitat conservation.
In each of these areas, the tool provides background information on issues and risk manag ement strategies, and links to resources and incentives to help farmers improve their management practices.
Farmers who enter information on their operation and practices can also receive an assessment of whether they would qualify for Food Alliance certification, or whether their management practices might support other “values-added” marketing opportunities.
All information entered is kept strictly confidential.